A Prelude to Revisionism? The Stalemated Peace Model and the Emergence of Multipolarity in International Order

By Oliver P. Richmond

Based on his new article that focuses on the emergence of the concept of “stalemated peace”.

The dominant research methodologies, conceptual, and practical doctrines of the post- Cold War order related to peacemaking, such as ‘hurting stalemates’, ‘ripe moments’ and ‘backsliding’ operate within a conflict management framework associated with negative forms of peace. This framework was updated after the end of the Cold War with a broader, more positive ‘liberal peacebuilding’ paradigm. Both frameworks, to varying degrees, indicated a Northern/ Western convergence around limited goals for peacemaking, peacekeeping, international mediation, and conflict resolution, but it is only recently that the implications have become clearer at a system level as well as for institutions and civil society.

There is a more convincing interpretation now available, however: this Eurocentric approach has ultimately led to a ‘stalemated peace’ (SP) model of peacemaking, which has affected UN peace missions more generally, undermining the UN’s normative purpose as well as its practical tools. Unexpectedly, the stalemate model may also contribute to systemic, geopolitical tensions and conflicts in world politics, making it much more unstable than previously thought.

This epistemological weakness has allowed scholars and analysts to describe the “grand stalemate’ of the Minsk agreements after 2015 as one which might have achieved ‘stabilisation’. The stalemated peace model may in addition provide camouflage for strategies of forced displacement and partition, with long-standing consequences in Cyprus, Kosovo, Syria, Israel/ Palestine and Gaza, Amenia/ Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, and in many other recent wars. This association with a ‘negative peace’, limited ‘conflict management’ and power-driven pragmatic policy compromises ultimately contributes to the re-ignition of war, such as with the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. A stalemated peace process may hold out the potential for a sudden or eventual agreement, but in an unstable international environment driven by geopolitical, material and ideational concerns it often leads to war in the longer term, rather than providing a basis for progress.

In the literature on peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding, significant problems were obscured by the development of apparently pragmatic concepts such as those of ‘hurting stalemates’ and ‘spoilers’, which actually disguised ‘backsliding’ where UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and political missions could not bring about a sustainable peace. This weakness cannot be addressed without a conceptual shift from problem-solving (or ‘stabilisation’) to new, more emancipatory frameworks for peacemaking where political claims are addressed across the wide scope of peacemaking, including issues of local and global justice and sustainability. These possibilities transcend the liberal peace model significantly, they mainly exist in the scholarship or amongst social movements,  have been translated into doctrine only in extremis and are long overdue.  Hints can be seen in UN documentation on ‘sustaining peace’ or in long running debates within the Non-Aligned movement dating back to the 1960s. Their insights remain unimplemented, underpinning stalemates rather than the redressal of unmet political claims, meaning that peacemaking and UN peace missions have become depoliticised from the perspective of civil society, while preserving political power-structures with only minor checks. Global order and security have thus become increasingly detached from the structural implications of critical, and peace research insights into local political claims in conflict-affected societies.

Related to only minor theoretical innovations (even if embedded in international doctrine and the increasingly dysfunctionality of the state and international system, this has meant the stalemated peace model has often been regarded as acceptable to international actors and disputants. Indeed, the fear of a related loss of power because of any concessions made under any agreement has encouraged key actors in peace processes to consider escalating violence as an alternative to compromise (as with Charles Taylor in Liberia). This dilemma has also been touched upon by some civil society actors which have envisioned further escalation in Ukraine in order to produce a victory before a liberal peace settlement can be attained.

Consequently, long-standing stalemates may not be a platform for a future breakthrough as previously thought, but instead may inculcate revisionist and revanchist sentiments, which also involve the revival of violence- both direct and structural- as a legitimate political tool.

Warmakers as Peacemakers: Transactional Peacemaking in the Political Marketplace of Peace Processes

By Sara Hellmüller and Bilal Salaymeh

At first glance, it seems contradictory: how can the same external actors who support the warring parties in a conflict also be the ones initiating efforts to resolve it? Yet, it is becoming increasingly common that warmakers are also peacemakers. In a world marked by heightened geopolitical competition, this phenomenon is on the rise as states position themselves both by militarily intervening in conflicts while also sharpening their profiles as peacemakers.

For instance, both Russia and Türkiye were militarily involved in Libya while also attempting to broker a ceasefire. Similarly in Syria, three states who intervened militarily in the conflict – Iran, Russia, and Türkiye – were the guarantors of a process attempting to de-escalate violence. In Yemen, Saudi Arabia, being one of the key military actors in the conflict, and the US who supported it, tried to forge deals in view of ending the civil war. In Ukraine, Belarus hosted talks while providing territorial support to Russia. And in the Middle East, the US who is supporting Israel militarily, also contributed to brokering a ceasefire deal.

In our article, which contributes to a special issue on The Impact of World Politics on United Nations Peace Missions, we argue that this conflation of warmaking and peacemaking turns peace processes into political marketplaces characterized by ad-hoc governing mechanisms and a constant bargaining around loyalties and allegiances. In these political marketplaces, peacemaking dynamics are driven by the political budget that states built through their military interventions and the main modus operandi becomes transactionalism. So, what is transactional peacemaking and how and why does it matter?

What is transactional peacemaking?

Transactional peacemaking is a rising trend in peace processes where peacemakers prefer bilateral over multilateral relations with conflict parties, engage in exclusive and interests-based negotiations, and prioritize short-term over long-term arrangements. Because they use the peace process as a tool to further their geopolitical goals and interests, peacemaking becomes less about addressing underlying causes of conflicts and more about securing temporary political gains. By engaging in one-on-one negotiations with specific conflict parties, they sideline more comprehensive and inclusive efforts like those led by the United Nations (UN). The approach then leads to peace deals that are not comprehensive but mainly focus on limiting the violence. While such deals might reduce violence temporarily, it is questionable if they lead to lasting peace.

Can the UN adapt to transactional peacemaking?

The UN, historically a champion of multilateral, inclusive, and long-term peace promotion, has found itself increasingly sidelined in this new peacemaking landscape. UN-facilitated peace processes usually aim to include a wide range of stakeholders and focus on building institutions and on fostering democratic systems. However, in the current environment, peace processes in places like Libya, Syria, and Yemen have been shaped by parallel processes in which transactional peacemakers have exerted their leverage over the conflict parties. Where the UN remains involved, its role has often shifted to hosting or facilitating shorter-term and narrower arrangements. In some cases, the UN has taken up a transactional stance itself in an effort to at least keep the conflict parties engaged. The UN therefore faces an important dilemma: If it further embraces the transactional nature of current peace processes, it risks reinforcing weak institutionalism and ad-hoc solutions and hence furthers its own marginalization. But if it continues to insist on more comprehensive and long-term approaches, it risks being even more sidelined as conflict parties turn to those with more political capital in the political marketplace to respond to their key interests.

What’s at stake for global peace efforts?

While any attempt to reduce violence is valuable, the rise of transactional peacemaking raises concerns for global peace efforts. This is because it gives more power to states that have militarily invested in the conflict, and have vested interests in the outcome of peace talks, meaning that they pursue their own priorities for peace rather than the ones of domestic actors. This may render it more difficult to resolve conflicts as peace processes become arenas for political bargaining amongst external actors. In countries like Syria, Libya, and Yemen, peace processes are more contested because so many different actors are invested in the political marketplace. The powerful states involved secure their interests through temporary ceasefires or conditional truces, which leaves peace agreements fragile and prone to collapse and narrows the space for comprehensive agreements. However, the recent overthrow of Bashar al-Assad in Syria shows that such temporary arrangements do not hold forever, and underlining root causes of a conflict will eventually resurface. Transactional peacemaking is thus not enough to resolve conflicts durably.

What does the future hold for peacemaking?

The rise of transactional peacemaking has profound implications for the future of international peace processes, and thus, the international peace architecture. As more conflicts are shaped by geopolitical interests, the international community must grapple with the challenge of balancing short-term political interests with long-term peacebuilding goals. The UN and other multilateral actors will have to find ways to adapt to the changing dynamics of conflicts to remain relevant in this new world.

Winner of the 2025 Bernard Brodie Prize

Bernard Brodie lecturing, by Walter Sanders for Life Magazine, September 1946

Contemporary Security Policy awards the Bernard Brodie Prize annually to the author(s) of an outstanding article published in the journal the previous year. The award is named after Dr. Bernard Brodie (1918-1978), author of The Absolute Weapon (1946), Strategy in the Missile Age (1958), and War and Strategy (1973). Brodie’s ideas remain at the center of security debates to this day. One of the first analysts to cross between official and academic environments, he pioneered the very model of civilian expertise that Contemporary Security Policy represents. Contemporary Security Policy is honored to acknowledge the permission of Brodie’s son, Dr. Bruce R. Brodie, to use his father’s name.

The winner of the 2025 Bernard Brodie Prize is:

  • Tereza Hendl, Olga Burlyuk, Mila O’Sullivan & Aizada Arystanbek, “(En)Countering epistemic imperialism: A critique of ‘Westsplaining’ and coloniality in dominant debates on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine”, April 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/13523260.2023.2288468

This article was selected by a jury consisting of five members of the Editorial Board. The jury selected the winner from a shortlist put together by the Editors. This shortlist also included:

The previous winners of Bernard Brodie Prize are:

  • Rebecca Strating, “The rules-based order as rhetorical entrapment: Comparing maritime dispute resolution in the Indo-Pacific”, August 2023.
  • Kjølv Egeland, “A theory of nuclear disarmament: Cases, analogies, and the role of the non-proliferation regime”, January 2022.
  • Eleanor Gordon and Katrina Lee-Koo, “Addressing the security needs of adolescent girls in protracted crises: Inclusive, responsive, and effective?”, January 2021;
  • Elvira Rosert and Frank Sauer, “How (not) to stop the killer robots: A comparative analysis of humanitarian disarmament campaign strategies”, January 2021;
  • Jeffrey Berejikian and Zachary Zwald, “Why language matters: Shaping public risk tolerance during deterrence crises”, October 2020;
  • Tracey German, “Harnessing protest potential: Russian strategic culture and the colored revolutions”, October 2020;
  • Jo Jakobsen and Tor G. Jakobsen, “Tripwires and free-riders: Do forward-deployed U.S. troops reduce the willingness of host-country citizens to fight for their country?”, April 2019;
  • David H. Ucko and Thomas A. Marks, “Violence in context: Mapping the strategies and operational art of irregular warfare”, April 2018;
  • Betcy Jose, “Not completely the new normal: How Human Rights Watch tried to suppress the targeted killing norm”, August 2017;
  • Martin Senn and Jodok Troy, “The transformation of targeted killing and international order”, August 2017;
  • Trine Flockhart, “The coming multi-order world”, April 2016;
  • John Mitton, “Selling Schelling Short: Reputations and American Coercive Diplomacy after Syria”, December 2015;
  • Wyn Bowen and Matthew Moran, “Iran’s Nuclear Program: A Case Study in Hedging”, April 2014;
  • Nick Ritchie, “Valuing and Devaluing Nuclear Weapons”, April 2013;
  • Patrick M. Morgan, “The State of Deterrence in International Politics Today”, April 2012;
  • Sebastian Mayer, “Embedded Politics, Growing Informalization? How Nato and the EU Transform Provision of External Security”, August 2011;
  • Jeffrey Knopf, “The Fourth Wave in Deterrence Research”, April 2010;
  • Diane E. Davis, “Non-State Armed Actors, New Imagined Communities, and Shifting Patterns of Sovereignty and Insecurity in the Modern World”, August 2009.

The Art of Cooptation in Great Power Rivalries

By Gadi Heimann, Andreas Kruck, Deganit Paikowsky & Bernhard Zangl

Contemporary world politics is characterized by a growing great power rivalry, first of all between the United States (and its Western allies) and China (as well as Russia), which is sometimes even referred to as a “new Cold War”. However, these modern-day rivalries differ because the international system differs from the “original” Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. Complex interdependencies and a dense web of institutions, from economic networks to international organizations, link today’s rivals in ways that create enhanced opportunities for both cooperation and conflict. At any rate, they imply that international ordering through cooptation is a key element of contemporary great power rivalries.

The special issue to which our article provides a theoretical framework explores why and how cooptation, an often-overlooked strategy in international orders, plays a central role in shaping the relationships among rivals and between rivals and their allies. The strategy of cooptation is mainly known in domestic politics. Still, we argue that today’s interdependence and global institutions have made cooptation a more common and necessary, although risky, strategy in managing great power rivalries.

How do you know ‘cooptation’ when you see it?

Cooptation is a specific type of cooperation. Its essence involves trading institutional privileges for institutional support. A state, or a coalition of states offers another (set of) state(s) institutional privileges in an existing or emerging international order in return for the coopted states’ material and/or ideational support of the respective order. This exchange of privileges for support can occur in various venues, from economic institutional networks to security alliances. In that sense, cooptation goes beyond mere partnership; it is about extending privileges that can elevate a state’s international standing. In exchange, the coopting state hopes to gain an ally against a rival – or turn the rival itself into a less antagonistic counterpart, if not a wholesale supporter of “its” order. This dynamic can take many forms, such as granting emerging powers partnerships in the leadership through voting rights in a global institution or ‘a seat at the table’ in exclusive international clubs. Through this process, the cooptor (i.e. the state offering privileges) seeks to change the behaviour, interests or even identity of the cooptee (i.e., the state offering support) in ways that bring them closer to its vision of international order(s).

But cooptation isn’t just about creating partnerships; it’s a nuanced process that can mitigate or exacerbate rivalries depending on how it is handled. Our article provides a conceptual framework to explore different types of cooptation in great power rivalry and their impact on intensifying or mitigating great power rivalries. We distinguish between four types of cooptation:

Taming Opposition: The cooptor offers privileges to rivals to reduce their resistance to the existing order.

Securing Partners: The cooptor offers privileges to (potential) allies to strengthen their order support against a common rival.

Wooing Leaders: Materially weaker states offer privileges of leadership roles to powerful rivals to align their interests with an existing institutional order(s).

Seeking Patronage: Weaker actors offer privileges to stronger ones in exchange for their protection in, and support of, a given order(s) against common rivals.

Building on these distinctions, the articles comprising this special issue demonstrate that cooptation is not only shaped by power rivalries but is also impacting them.

How cooptation plays out in great power rivalries

Under certain conditions, cooptation is an order-stabilizing force that mitigates power rivalries. Providing rivals with institutional privileges to integrate them into a shared order grants them some partnership in the leadership of that institutional order. This might reduce the incentives for rivals to pursue more aggressive alternatives. For example, in the aftermath of the Cold War, the US and its Western allies included Russia and China into Western-oriented international institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Russia was also invited to join the G7, making it the G8. The goal was to foster more significant political and economic alignment by giving them a voice within the liberal international order. Arguably, this served to at least temporarily stabilize the order and contain China’s and Russia’s revisionism.

However, integrating rivals into the leadership of institutions is a risky gamble for cooptors that does not guarantee success in the long run. Cooptors frequently hope that the offered privileges will gradually transform the cooptees’ identity and interests, bringing the cooptees closer to the cooptors’ identity and interests, thereby increasing the chance of them not only adapting to the existing order but adopting it in the long run. For example, the US had hoped that China’s integration into the WTO would encourage China to shift towards a market-based economy. Still, such a fundamental transformation did not take place. Our special issue suggests that the privileges offered by the cooptee must be substantial enough to make a real difference in the rival’s status and transform its interests (or even identity) to encourage its full alignment with the institution and order(s) it represents. To succeed in this, the cooptor must show genuine generosity toward the cooptee. But generosity also involves risks, especially when the cooptors provide the cooptees with a formal seat at the table. Even though China’s inclusion in the WTO did not transform the Chinese state and economy, the US could not deprive China of its formal membership. Conversely, when the awarded privileges are institutionally less rigid or less entrenched, it is easier to revoke them in case transformative expectations are not fulfilled. For example, the US and its allies recognized that Russia was not meeting their ambitious expectation that it would adopt Western liberal values and practices, so they deprived it of its informal seat at the G8/8 table in 2014.

Cooptation can also lead to rivalry escalation. Cooptation efforts to secure allies against a rival can increase competition among rivals, driving both sides to strengthen and expand their supporting “camps”, including through competing cooptation arrangements. For example, China’s decision to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as a competing alternative to the World Bank has aimed at coopting other countries into China’s economic sphere of influence. The U.S., seeing this as a challenge, intensified efforts to strengthen its own alliances in legacy economic institutions.

Policy Implications for managing great power rivalries with cooptation strategies

Our findings suggest several insights for policymakers. Here are three particularly important recommendations:

1. Act early on: Leading powers should act early to coopt potential rivals. When rivalries escalate and solidify, it is harder to establish confidence-building measures and secure partnership commitments.

2. Calculate your risk: Cooptation requires calculated risk. Generous offers are necessary to recruit support and encourage transformation, especially among rivals. Nevertheless, these offers must include safety mechanisms to manage potential pitfalls. Coopting newcomers into flexible institutions, such as informal or reversible arrangements, can provide a safety net, enabling more ambitious and generous offers.

3. Prefer inclusive arrangements: Cooptation strategies to secure allies can easily escalate rivalries, especially if they are too exclusive. Inclusive arrangements help avoid further escalation and competition.


Through the lens of cooptation, we offer a novel perspective on how international ordering may contribute to great power rivalry escalation or moderation. These insights help us understand contemporary security challenges resulting from the intensification of great power rivalry in various (security but also economic) realms.

In the modern world of international relations, characterized by interdependence and a dense web of institutions, it is no longer enough for great powers to simply “balance” or “counterbalance” rivals. Instead, they need to delicately engage with their allies and rivals in and through institutional orders. Shrewd cooptation strategies targeting adversaries and allies alike can contribute to a stabilized international order that contains intense power competition. But successful cooptation requires bold decisions based on a deep understanding of the complex relationships between cooptation and great power rivalry dynamics.

How China was Coopted into Cooperation within the World Bank

In their new article, Doron Ella and Galia Press Barnathan examine the connection between great power rivalries and international institutions, focusing on how great powers use institutional deals to coopt rising powers. Specifically, the article analyzes US-China relations within the context of development finance institutions. The analysis suggests that these relations are anchored in an early cooptation deal, made when the US coopted China into the World Bank, granting it significant benefits and a seat at the table. In return, China supported the US-led liberal international order. This deal set the stage for ongoing Sino-American relations in development finance, alongside other issue-areas, including security.

The article explores the impact of changing power disparities and the evolution of institutional structures on this original deal. It identifies two main pressures threatening the stability of the deal: China’s growing expectations for a better deal reflecting its increased power and the US’s concerns over intensifying rivalry, and changes in the institutional environment, such as the establishment of new multilateral development banks and China’s improved position in these banks. These changes offer China new avenues to influence and renegotiate the original cooptation deal. Overall, the article argues that the increasing complexity of the development finance regime complex provides states with new strategies to advance their goals, likely destabilizing earlier cooptation deals. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for grasping both the historical and future trajectory of US-China relations.

To demonstrate this interplay between the power distribution and the nature of great power rivalry, and the evolving structure of the regime complex, we trace the changing relations between the US and China across three periods.

Phase One: The Cold War

From its inception, throughout the Cold War, the cooptation deal between the US and China remained stable since China had no suitable outside options for alternative development finance other than the World Bank. Additionally, the power asymmetry between China and the US was rather wide, and China perceived its privileges in the World Bank as adequate. During the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union were in a midst of an intense great power rivalry, and the US benefited from having a former ally of the Soviet Union approaching the West and becoming a potential ally.

Phase Two: The Unipolar Moment through the Financial Crisis of 2008-09

After the fall of the Soviet Union in December 1991, great power rivalries seemed to have receded before a new rivalry would emerge in the following decade between the US and China. During the 1990s and 2000s China had increasingly integrated into the US-led liberal international order and its economic interests slowly converged with those of the liberal West. Yet, by the second decade of the 21st century the cooptation deal between China and the US within the World Bank had started to show signs of destabilization. This had happened due to two main reasons: 1. As China become stronger and richer, it started perceiving its current privileges in the World Bank as inadequate, and especially in relation to the moral and material support it had given the Bank. 2. As China joined other multilateral development banks, its outside options have increased, offering China new opportunities to gain similar or even better privileges in those banks, and also grant its increasingly important support to these institutions, improving its position as a significant actor in development finance. As a result, China started to undercut the influence of the World Bank in an attempt to gain negotiation leverage that will pressure the US into granting it a better deal, which will reflect its growing power and status. In China’s perception, a better deal should mainly include structural reforms within the World Bank. Such reforms will grant China, and other developing countries, more voting power, as well as reflect its own norms and principles, rather than exclusively rely on those of the liberal West. However, in the second phase, China was still not able to gain additional leverage in its negotiations for a better deal since the World Bank remained the most important institution in development finance, and China’s increasing participation in other Banks was not enough to meaningfully undermine the deal.

Phase Three: The Establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in 2015 and onward

The third phase is marked by the establishment of the AIIB in 2015 – a regional multilateral development bank created and dominated by China as its most influential member. Scholars generally agree that China established the AIIB in light of its frustration with American reluctance to grant it with more power over decision-making in the World Bank, among other international institutions. Therefore, China decided to establish its own Bank that could, in the future, compete with the World Bank and other financial institutions. By doing that, China believed it could increase its negotiation leverage in the World Bank, while also offer its own cooptation deals to other states, whether they are developing or developed, via the AIIB, resulting in further destabilization of its original cooptation deal within the World Bank.

Where do we go from here?

The unraveling of this cooptation deal, which is still at the core of China’s engagement with the World Bank and the US, is daunting because it will imply the demise of an important component holding together and constraining this intense great power rivalry. Indeed, we trace the growing Chinese rhetorical expressions of dissatisfaction with the current deal and suggest that these offer worrying signs of destabilization. At the same time, however, one may argue that the fact that the intensifying rivalry between the two states is taking place within a dense institutional environment, while generating instability within the institutional complex, also helps to manage this rivalry and contain it, and reduces the danger of escalation to violence.


Shortlist 2025 Bernard Brodie Prize

Bernard Brodie lecturing, by Walter Sanders for Life Magazine, September 1946
Bernard Brodie lecturing, by Walter Sanders for Life Magazine, September 1946

Contemporary Security Policy awards the Bernard Brodie Prize annually to the author of an outstanding article published in the journal the previous year. The award is named for Dr. Bernard Brodie (1918-1978), author of The Absolute Weapon (1946), Strategy in the Missile Age (1958) and War and Strategy (1973), establishing ideas that remain at the centre of security debates to this day. One of the first analysts to cross between official and academic environments, he pioneered the model of civilian influence that CSP represents.

It is a great pleasure to announce the shortlist of the 2025 Bernard Brodie Prize:

The shortlist has been put together by the editors. The Bernard Brodie Prize will be awarded by a jury from the CSP editorial board.

Call for the 2026 Special Issue

Contemporary Security Policy is seeking proposals for a special issue to be published in January 2026 (volume 47(1)). The special issue should address a topic within the aims and scope of the journal. CSP has an impact factor of 4.0, which ranks the journal #7 out of 165 in the category International Relations.

One of the oldest peer reviewed journals in international conflict and security, CSP promotes theoretically-based research on policy problems of armed conflict, intervention and conflict resolution. Since it first appeared in 1980, CSP has established its unique place as a meeting ground for research at the nexus of theory and policy. Topics of interest include:

  • War and armed conflict
  • Peacekeeping
  • Conflict resolution
  • Arms control and disarmament
  • Defense policy
  • Strategic culture
  • International institutions

CSP is committed to a broad range of intellectual perspectives. Articles promote new analytical approaches, iconoclastic interpretations and previously overlooked perspectives. Its pages encourage novel contributions and outlooks, not particular methodologies or policy goals. Its geographical scope is worldwide and includes security challenges in Europe, Africa, the Middle-East and Asia. Authors are encouraged to examine established priorities in innovative ways and to apply traditional methods to new problems.

Special Issue Information

Special issue proposals should contain (in one PDF document):

  • A short discussion of the rationale and contribution of the special issue (3 pages max). Please also state why the topic falls within the aims and scope of the journal and why the proposal would be of interest to a large audience.
  • Contact details, institutional affiliation, one paragraph biography of the special issue co-editors, and three recent publications of each of the co-editors. Feel free to include a link to the personal website of the co-editors. Do not submit full CVs.
  • A list of confirmed articles and authors. Please include for each article (a) the title; (b) 150 word abstract; (c) a very short statement how the article contributes to the special issue and why it needs to be included; (d) a one paragraph author biography; and (e) three recent publications of the author(s).
  • The current state of the special issue. Please describe the background (e.g. previous workshops and conferences) and the timeframe towards the submission deadline.

The special issue will consist of a substantive introduction and 6-7 articles. The introduction should stand on itself. It should serve as a state-of-the-art article and be a reference point for all the other articles in the special issue. It is recommended that special issue proposals include 9-10 articles. All articles will be sent by the journal for peer-review on an individual basis. It is unlikely that all articles will eventually make the cut.

Most articles in CSP are around 9,000-10,000 words (including notes and references). However, manuscripts up to 12,000 words are accepted, for example when they include multiple case studies or use mixed methods. Total word limits will be discussed in case of acceptance.

Please submit your application (one PDF file) to csp@nullmaastrichtuniversity.nlThe deadline for the special issue proposal is 15 November 2024. The decision will be announced soon afterwards. The decision by the editors is final. All articles will have to be submitted by 17 February 2025. The full special issue should go into production in October 2025.

Minilateralism, effective multilateralism and the global nuclear order

How can minilateralism better complement effective multilateral institutions, particularly in the global nuclear order where multilateral stagnation and deadlock have become such pressing challenges? In the wake of the 2023 report by the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, this new article by Megan Dee argues that minilateral groupings can complement effective multilateralism, but only when they are willing and able to proactively integrate their activities within established wider membership multilateral institutions, and when they, in turn, are perceived as legitimate.

According to the 2023 report of the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism [HLAB] global nuclear weapons governance is associated with ‘deadlock in multilateral processes’ and ‘stagnation’ in the pursuit of denuclearization. Interestingly, the HLAB report particularly highlights that for multilateralism to be effective it must be flexible, ‘allowing sub-groupings of states to explore, innovate, and implement new approaches to global problems for broader deliberation and adoption’. In short, minilateralism, or the “bringing together of the smallest possible number of countries needed to have the largest possible impact on solving a particular problem”, is called for.

Yet both the concept of minilateralism, and how complementary it actually is to effective multilateral institutions remains under studied and uncertain. While considered an efficient, and pragmatic solution to overcoming transnational problems, minilateralism has also raised pressing questions – and concerns – over its exclusivity, lack of transparency, equity, and accountability.

Important to highlight is that minilateralism is above all a relational concept – we can only ever really understand minilateralism as it relates to established wider membership multilateral institutions and their efforts to tackle transnational problems. Minilateralism may be pursued by groups of states exclusively inside established multilateral institutions, being integrated into the deliberative and negotiation processes of that institution, or exclusively outside of those institutions, operating as separate deliberative and decision-making forums which then essentially bypass multilateralism institutions. Minilateralism is also a fluid praxis. Groups of states may shift their positioning and activities away from an established multilateral institution (inside-outside) or toward it (outside-inside). Which type of minilateralism groups of states will then pursue is largely conditional on how they continue to perceive the effectiveness and legitimacy of established wider membership multilateral institutions, and the extent to which they will seek to uphold or bypass those institutions as a primary focal point for tackling transnational problems.

Minilateralism in the global nuclear order

Within the global nuclear order, most outside minilateral groupings – such as the NSG, PSI, GICNT etc – are initiated and led by nuclear weapon states apart from multilateral institutions. Members are then either hand-picked by the US or other nuclear weapon states, or are states willing to endorse the rules and principles already established by them. Such groupings then face a legitimacy deficit when they do seek to advance their solutions and ideas within wider membership multilateral institutions, however, because they are perceived as US-dominated, exclusive and untransparent.

Inside minilateral groupings – such as the VG10, NAC, NPDI or Stockholm Initiative – by contrast tend to be pursued predominantly by non-nuclear-weapon states. These groups seek out cross-regional members and proactively integrate and publicize their activities within the negotiation and deliberation processes of wider membership multilateral institutions such as the NPT. They therefore face fewer legitimacy challenges when they do present minilateral ideas or solutions because they are already embedded within established multilateral processes.

Lessons can also be drawn from those outside-inside minilateral groupings – such as the Zangger Committee or Quad Nuclear Disarmament Verification Partnership – who, while operating as outside groupings, do also seek to integrate their activities within NPT review cycles, highlighting their willingness to proactively engage in multilateral deliberation and negotiation processes.

Meanwhile, examples of inside-outside groupings, such as the G16/Humanitarian Initiative, and the CEND Initiative, highlight how groups of states may originally be conceived and function inside of multilateral institutions, but then shift their activities outside of those institutions when they become dissatisfied due to the perceived effectiveness or legitimacy deficit within that institution. In both cases the result has been the formation of new forums and a new regime -in the form of the TPNW – and an increasingly contested multilateralism within the global nuclear order.

Complementary – not contradictory – minilateralism

What is clear is the minilateralism is only going to become more important and utilized as states seek to deliver a world without nuclear weapons amidst the inefficiencies and challenges of multilateral efforts. Minilateralism can only truly complement, rather than contradict, effective multilateralism, however, when groups are willing and able to contribute to the negotiation and deliberative processes of wider membership multilateral institutions. The US particularly has shown that it can ‘go it alone’ by establishing outside minilateral forums, but such efforts invariably meet with resistance when trying to integrate back into multilateral institutions due to their perceived lack of transparency and legitimacy. As inside, and some outside-inside, minilateral groupings, have shown, minilateral groups can ensure their discussions and proposals are open for broader deliberation by proactively – and regularly – submitting working papers, making formal statements, submitting reports, and hosting side-events inside multilateral institutions like the NPT.

While minilateralism may demand exclusivity for the sake of more efficient decision-making, groups must also remain mindful of their perceived representativeness. While it is important that minilateral groupings remain closed to allow for states to move beyond entrenched positions and actively and creatively advance proposals to address problems, they must also remain transparent. At a minimum minilateral groupings should publicize their meeting dates and locations and provide regular reporting on their deliberations, and outputs so that non-participating governments and civil society are not left in the dark. Some transparency of process may be facilitated through dedicated group websites, following the example of the NSG, IPNDV, Quad and Zangger Committee. Multilateral institutions might also look to establish group sections on their websites, including a group filter in their public calendar of events.  In so doing, minilateralism can serve to uphold and promote the continued relevance, legitimacy and significance of multilateral institutions and their wider membership.

Cyberspace’s Role in International Relations: Understanding its Impact as a Structural Modifier

The evolution of cyberspace has significantly influenced international relations, raising critical questions about its exact role and impact in international relations. Does it represent a new domain of statecraft that actors leverage against other actors? Is it an independent system of rules and behaviours? Offensive cyber operations’ pervasiveness and economic damage render these questions increasingly salient. Cyber scholarship has been developing as a distinct field. Early debates about integrating cyberspace into broader international relations discussions are moving from the periphery to the core of the discipline. In a new article, Michiel Foulon and Gustav Meibauer explore how conceptualizing cyberspace as a structural modifier can provide a shared language with the broader field of International  Relations. This may aid scholars and policy-makers to better understand the causal role and effects of cyberspace and pave the way for thinking conceptually about other emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, outer space technology, or lethal autonomous weapons.

Cyberspace in International Relations: Domain vs. Structure

Conventional views of cyberspace in international relations focus on cyberspace as a domain where actors conduct cyber operations. One group of scholars argues that cyberspace is a domain that revolutionizes international relations: it alters military tactics and state interactions. Another group remains sceptical about cyberspace’s transformative potential, emphasizing its limitations and the barriers states face in developing cyber capabilities. However, this debate about cyberspace as a domain is challenged by scholars who view cyberspace as a systemic factor that shapes the behavior across multiple dimensions of international relations. This perspective suggests that focusing solely on cyber operations risks ignoring how cyberspace interacts with other international political dynamics. Cyberspace influences military intelligence, conflict performance, and strategic environments, and may affect wider-ranging processes from trade to diplomacy, from democratization and autocratic backlash to climate change and migration. This highlights the need for a more integrated conceptualization.

Conceptualizing Cyberspace as a Structural Modifier

To address some of the limitations of current cyber scholarship, we introduce cyberspace as a structural modifier. In international relations research, structure refers to the macro-social arrangements that govern international relations. It is conventionally understood as characterized by anarchy, and, therefore, the distribution of material power among states.

Structural modifiers are systemic properties that modify how states are likely to experience the effects of structure. In other words, structural modifiers do not change the structure itself but alter and specify how structure is likely to causally affect state behavior. For example, geographic features and nuclear weapons may be viewed as structural modifiers that enable or constrain state behavior across international relations. This in turn influences the types and intensities of interactions among actors that are likely and seen as desirable. It is in this way, that cyberspace, too, can be viewed as a structural modifier with system-wide implications for states.

The Impact of Cyberspace as a Structural Modifier

Viewing cyberspace as a structural modifier offers several advantages for international relations scholarship and policy-making:

  1. Integrating Disconnected Cyber Scholarship: Cyber theories often remain isolated, focusing on specific aspects such as deterrence or foreign policy without considering their collective implications. A structural modifier framework encourages a holistic view, examining how cyberspace’s effects on various areas of international relations interact and produce larger-scale impacts.
  2. Linking Cyber Scholarship with International Relations Theory: By conceptualizing cyberspace as a structural modifier, cyber scholarship can engage more meaningfully with broader International Relations theories. This integration can consider cyberspace’s broader implications and lead to the development of more comprehensive theories that reflect emerging empirical realities.
  3. Providing Policy Guidance: Policy-makers can benefit from understanding cyberspace as a structural modifier: it cautions them against viewing cyberspace in isolation of other foreign policy domains. And it cautions them against viewing cyberspace or as a driver of revolutionary change in international relations. Instead, it emphasizes the need to consider cyberspace’s interaction with existing statecraft domains and tools, promoting more balanced and informed decision-making.

Empirical Examples and Future Research

To illustrate the concept of cyberspace as a structural modifier, we consider cyberspace’s effects across a variety of international relations dynamics, including in the following empirical examples.

Deterrence: Cyberspace complicates conventional deterrence strategies. As states struggle to attribute offensive cyber operations makes to its perpetrators, they find it difficult to uphold the deterrent threat of potential retaliation. States may have to adapt by focusing on persistent engagement rather than one-off retaliatory actions, or by adjusting their cost-benefit analyses in response to adversarial actions in cyberspace.

Foreign Policy Tools: The introduction of cyber capabilities has transformed how decision-makers think about which foreign policy tools they should employ. Initially hesitant due to uncertainties surrounding cyber operations’ collateral impacts, states are now increasingly incorporating cyber tools into their strategic planning. This shift reflects a broader normalization and integration of cyber operations alongside conventional military, economic, and diplomatic tools.

Uncertainty: Cyberspace exacerbates but also mitigates uncertainty in international relations. It allows actors to gather and disseminate rapidly information. This can reduce uncertainty. However, it also presents challenges such as information overload and reliance on potentially flawed data, which complicates decision-making and strategic planning.

Interaction with Non-State Actors: Cyberspace blurs the lines between state and non-state actors. Private companies, hackers, and other non-state entities play pivotal roles in cyberspace, often cooperating or competing with states. This dynamic expands the range of influential actors and introduces new complexities in international interactions.

Future research may operationalize the concept of cyberspace as a structural modifier to uncover insights across key areas of international relations. This approach may extend to other emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence or outer space technology. It broadens the scope of IR scholarship and provides new avenues for theoretical and empirical exploration.


How can we understand cyberspace’s role in international relations? Conceptualizing cyberspace as a structural modifier offers a framework for integrating cyber scholarship with broader international relations theories and concepts. It helps address some of the limitations of current debates between domain-focused and systemic approaches, as well as between proponents and sceptics of cyberspace-induced revolutionary change. It shows a pathway for the study of cyberspace to move beyond its original community, thereby benefitting the discipline more widely. By emphasizing the systemic role of cyberspace, this conceptualization provides valuable insights for both academic research and policy-making. This aids promoting a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of cyberspace’s impact on global politics. As cyberspace continues to evolve, adopting this conceptual lens will be crucial for analysing its implications and guiding effective strategies in the digital age

Gunboats and Butter: The Two Percent Guideline and NATO Burden Shifting in the Maritime Domain

Ensuring fair burden sharing among members has been a persistent challenge for NATO. This issue has recently been thrust back into the spotlight by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and Donald Trump’s comments that he would encourage an attack against NATO allies that failed to meet their financial obligations. Furthermore, Russia’s attempts to disrupt Ukrainian grain exports and recent Houthi attacks in the Red Sea highlight another critical issue for NATO: securing freedom of navigation and protecting global maritime trade. Bridging these two strands of research, in this new article, Nizan Feldman and Mark Shipton argue that the United States’ steadfast commitment to safeguarding international maritime commerce and freedom of navigation has inadvertently allowed other NATO members to underinvest in their own naval capabilities.


The tendency to underinvest in naval capabilities was amplified as NATO members moved closer to fulfilling the Defence Investment Pledge established at the 2014 Wales Summit. This pledge commits them to spending at least 2% of GDP on defense and allocating 20% of that to equipment modernization. However, analyzing the impact of the Wales Pledge, the authors find a significant decline in non-US NATO naval capabilities since its adoption.

The findings mirror a broader trend of allies reallocating defense resources away from capabilities that are more likely to be provided by the alliance’s leading power, known as the ‘patron’. Previous studies have shown that a patron’s ability to credibly signal its intention to abandon alliance members significantly influences burden sharing within alliances. However, the risk of abandonment is not always a binary choice. A patron may indicate its willingness to protect allies against specific threats while signaling its reluctance to counter others.

The U.S. commitment to and interests in global freedom of navigation reduce its ability to credibly signal an intention to abandon NATO members that face substantial disruption to their wartime maritime trade or other major maritime-related threats. Therefore, when NATO members increased their defense spending to comply with the Wales Pledge, they deferred the highly costly investments needed to commission expensive naval platforms.

To test this hypothesis, the authors created several proxies to measure the naval capabilities of each ally, using data from the annual editions of Jane’s Fighting Ships, published by Janes Information Group. They then conducted various estimations, including a set of control variables that typically influence a country’s propensity to develop naval power or engage in burden shifting. The primary explanatory variable is a dummy that assigns a value of 0 for years before and 1 for years after the implementation of the Wales Pledge. In accordance with the main hypothesis, the coefficient of this variable is negative and highly significant in all of the models we ran.

One might argue that the reduction in naval power resulted from a more coordinated division of labor within NATO. Prompted by Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea and the subsequent Defence Investment Pledge, allies may have been motivated to revisit the Cold War dynamics where the United States and traditional European naval powers primarily secured Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs), while other European allies focused on coastal defense and developed specialized skills in areas such as anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and minesweeping. If true, the findings would represent not burden shifting but a more cooperative, efficient, and equitable sharing of responsibilities. However, there is scant evidence of a comprehensive, mutually agreed transformation in the division of labor that would allow each ally to capitalize on its military comparative advantage. Despite some advancements in process design aimed at harmonizing capabilities, the post-Wales Summit period has not been marked by the political conditions necessary to foster a deliberate and coordinated shift in the division of labor.

This is not to suggest that the burden shifting through a reduction in naval power observed in the post-Wales period is a definitive trend that will necessarily characterize NATO dynamics in the coming years. Nor is it a given that a future coordinated division of labor in the maritime domain is unattainable. Growing concerns among NATO members over China’s geopolitical rise, along with the significant impact of the September 2022 Nord Stream explosions—which highlighted the vulnerability of critical maritime infrastructure—and other geostrategic shifts, have emphasized the importance of maintaining robust maritime capabilities. Thus, despite NATO navies’ reliance on the U.S. commitment to ensure freedom of navigation and secure maritime trade, other factors may drive future development. It would be in the alliance’s interest if such a resurgence in maritime investments were to be coordinated.

That said, it is important to note that even if NATO allies increase future naval investments, scholars and policymakers would benefit from keeping in mind the core trend demonstrated in the article. While the analysis focuses on the maritime domain, the argument and empirical findings may capture a broader pattern of allies’ tendency to shift defense resources away from capabilities that are more likely to be provided by the patron. When allies must increase “guns” at the expense of “butter,” either due to alliance commitments or because of a more threatening security environment, they will reallocate their budgetary resources to make investments that best generate private economic, domestic, or strategic benefits. One way to do so is to reduce funds to platforms the patron is more likely to provide, redirecting those resources toward goals that potentially yield private domestic or strategic benefits.

Therefore, adopting the proposed disaggregation approach allows scholars to better assess the effectiveness of specific policies designed to foster fairer burden sharing among alliance members, such as the Wales Pledge. Recent efforts to move beyond using a simple military spending indicator for evaluating burden sharing should not only adopt a more detailed examination of capabilities but also distinguish between the threats the patron is more or less likely to address.