Contemporary Security Policy has an active Editorial Board, which reflects its aims and scope and its worldwide audience. The membership of Editorial Board is updated on an annual basis to capture emerging research agendas and to give new colleagues the opportunity to contribute to the development of the journal. I have made a number of changes to the Editorial Board.
First of all, David Haglund has decided to step down. He has served on the Editorial Board since 2005 and has made valuable contributions to the journal through various articles on strategic culture in Europe and beyond. I want to thank him for his service. His expertise will be missed.
It is also time to welcome new colleagues. To reflect the development of the journal, I have invited six new colleagues to join the Editorial Board. These are highly qualified scholars, from a variety of countries, who bring along exciting new expertise. Many of them are from the new generation. All of them share a commitment to high quality publishing in peer-reviewed journals. They are also dedicated in terms of policy impact and outreach.
The new colleagues on the Editorial Board are:
- Alan Bloomfield (University of Western Australia, Australia)
- Linda Darkwa (Training for Peace Programme, Ethiopia & University of Ghana, Legon)
- Patrick A. Mello (University of Erfurt & Technical University of Munich, Germany)
- Andrea Schneiker (University of Siegen, Germany)
- Martin Senn (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
- Carmen Wunderlich (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany)
The Editorial Board will continue to be updated in the future.
Hylke Dijkstra